By Blubar
United Kingdom
how do I take seeds from asters
13 Oct, 2015
I divide my perennial asters, easier and quicker than growing from seed but probably you're talking about annuals.
13 Oct, 2015
And the seeds of any asteracea are not in a pod but a fluffy head!
13 Oct, 2015
When the seeds are ready, they easily release from the head--sometimes the trick is to catch them as they fall!
16 Oct, 2015
you can place a small ziploc plastic baggy over the flowerhead to catch the seeds and to keep the birds off.
16 Oct, 2015
I would punch some pinholes in the baggy, but that may just reflect how hot it is where I live. :)
18 Oct, 2015
Rather than a zip lock bag tie a small paper bag over the seed head.
18 Oct, 2015
Leave the flowers on the plant until it produces a seed pod. When it turns brown and dries out a bit, you can cut open the seed pod to harvest the seeds.
13 Oct, 2015