By Ladygardener
United Kingdom
My mum has sadly passed away.. I wanted a rose named After her have not been successful in my searches her name is Eileen any bided? ?
14 Oct, 2015
Because I like research I searched the web and found that this rose seems to be unavailable for whatever reason.
However, there is one called My Mum which is a slightly scented floribunda with scarlet blooms tinged with white.
You can get it from but I expect there are also other places. I noticed several rose bushes with Mum in their names but no other for Eileen.
Hope this helps you.
14 Oct, 2015
That's a in very kind taking search the problems in have had exactly the same!! Will.look at the My mum many thanks
14 Oct, 2015
sorry to hear of your loss. I have never been able to find an Eileen rose either. I would dearly love one too.
15 Oct, 2015
Hi seaburn found my mum rose yesterday
15 Oct, 2015
Hi Ladygardener! A very popular hybrid tea rose at the moment is "Mum in a million". My daughter bought one for me for Mother's Day this year and it has done brilliantly. It is a true pink and has grown to about 4ft tall. Beautiful! It is easily available from most suppliers. You may be interested in that one.
15 Oct, 2015
Hi Ladygardener. I came across a lovely orange rose named 'Eileen's Rose' on a site called 'giftaplant'. The site does say it is out of stock at the moment but maybe you could contact them to see if it is going to come back in stock. Their number is 01483 281 859. I think it's the Guilford area.
15 Oct, 2015
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I'm sorry about your mother. It's always a big loss when mum goes.
There is a red rose called, I believe, Eileen's rose. If you do a trawl on Google you should find out where to buy it from.
Good luck
14 Oct, 2015