By Nigelmance
East Sussex,
United Kingdom
are the tall stalks suckers and should i cut them out?
On plant
Leycesteria formosa
29 Jul, 2010
I had this shrub - three of them, in fact, until I got rid of them...
I used to cut out the dead stems from the base in the spring, and also snip off any dead pieces from the tips of the 'branches' during the summer as they appeared.. You can take out growth from the previous year to keep the shrub within bounds, as Beattie said, too. Do it in early spring.
29 Jul, 2010
I've transplanted one to a very windy exposed position on top of a bank & I'm hoping this might help to keep it under control, but it doesn't matter if it gets big. Within reason..... :-?
29 Jul, 2010
The birds seed it everywhere. I even have one growing on the top of a wall - I can't reach it!
29 Jul, 2010
The tall stalks are new growth. Leycesteria grows pretty big and fast once it gets started. If it's taking up more room than you want it to you'll need to prune it to the space available, I think it's best done in spring. I'm not expert on pruning - I hope one of the experts on here will post for you.
29 Jul, 2010