By Ralphhemmi
United Kingdom
I have a climber - Clematis Sieboldiana - I think and has what looks like fruit on it this year? picture attached - just wondered if this was a seed pod or something else? 2nd picture is the closed flower - still plenty of them on the plant on 30th October.....

31 Oct, 2015
no you won't Cammomile, I entirely agree with you - this is not a clematis and C. 'sieboldii', like most clematis, only produces fluffy seedheads, not fruits of any description. It is definitely Passiflora, most likely P. caerulea. Fruits are edible when fully ripe (they'll be orange when they are) but fairly insipid.
31 Oct, 2015
Yes, a lovely Passiflora!
31 Oct, 2015
Hi, welcome to GoY, I agree with the others, Passiflora, but you're very lucky to have them setting fruit, I had 1 for about 8 years, and every summer always had between 80 and 120 flowers at any given time, but never once did any set fruit, they're only frost hardy, so any lower than about 23f and they die, I lost mine in 1 of the very cold winters we had a few years ago, Derek.
31 Oct, 2015
I meant to say...the confusion with Clematis florida sieboldii is understandable. Its usually the other way around. Almost everyone who saw my clematis thought it was a passion flower! :)
31 Oct, 2015
thanks everyone - looks like i have been lucky then this year - it is really pretty when the flowers are out - i have another climber that has left hundreds of berries about the size and colour of elderberries - would they also be edible?
1 Nov, 2015
You need to identify it first. There are many that are poisonous from the Solanum family (i.e. Deadly nightshade) so you have to know for sure.
1 Nov, 2015
If you could take a photo Ralph, we might know what it is from the berries and the habit of the plant. I can't think of an edible climbing plant berry off the top of my head, so chances are it could be solanum which is very poisonous as Cammomile says.
1 Nov, 2015
...well, unless it's a grape of course! :)
1 Nov, 2015
The leaf and fruits look more like a Passion flower, not a clematis but no doubt I'll be proved wrong!
31 Oct, 2015