By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
Hi. I've asked this question before but I want to clear a border & need to cut the garden hibiscus down to the ground as it has got way to big so it would be in the way, I want to keep it small too, if I can't I will have to get rid of it all together. I would like any info please :o)
19 Nov, 2015
Oh, yes I agree, mind you the weather is supposed to be changing soon so may have to leave the job till the spring after all :o))
19 Nov, 2015
Yes, possible sleet snow on Saturday....particularly over this eastern area.
19 Nov, 2015
Hi Jackie...
I would be reluctant to prune Hibiscus heavily at this time of year, in case we have a hard winter. I'd , personally, wait until spring and the cut hard if needed. It is also easier, then , to cut to live buds as they can be seen more clearly as they come into growth.
19 Nov, 2015