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By Ian1949

United Kingdom

I have grubs eating my potaoes



If you have left the potatoes in the ground, then I would lift them as it is the keeled slug that would be eating them.

29 Nov, 2015


Goodness your potatoes needed to be out of the ground a month or more go! Get them out!

29 Nov, 2015


I know that some gardening books recommend leaving some root crops in the ground, but I bet taters aren't one of them!

30 Nov, 2015


You can put the dug up potatoes back in the ground for storage, but that takes a bit of ground preparation to make a 'clamp' as it is called.

30 Nov, 2015


Parsnips and carrots you can leave in and take as you need, but not potatoes.

30 Nov, 2015

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