Can anyone name this plant?
By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
Can anyone name this small daisy like flower on this plant?
Sorry its not a good picture but its from someone on a GardenLovers chatroom site.

29 Nov, 2015
Hi, could be Cranbe cordifolia, Derek.
29 Nov, 2015
Could it be a aster!
29 Nov, 2015
Hi,it could be Aster umbellatus, Derek.
29 Nov, 2015
Or even Aster ericoides!
29 Nov, 2015
So, no, we can't!
29 Nov, 2015
Hmm...Crambe cordifolius is a member of the mustard family, and the blooms are more like arugala than daisies. Aster Umbellatus is a definite candidate, but the ones that I have seen have fewer rays than these are showing, and a more upright habit. Aster ericoides, on the other hand, has a more prostrate habit than these, from what I have seen. I still stand by my suggestion--though I could easily be wrong, too! :)
30 Nov, 2015
Aster ericoides White Heather grows to about 4 feet so not particularly prostrate.
30 Nov, 2015
Ah, the ones I was looking at must have been shorter cultivars. Oddly, one of the shortest that I saw was labelled 'White Heather', but I know how labels often go!
30 Nov, 2015
Thank You for the Nice Replies to my Question about the plant :o)
30 Nov, 2015
You're welcome, Ladyessex! :)
1 Dec, 2015
You don't say when the picture was taken but it looks like it could be Osmanthus burkwoodii or Olearia hastii. These are both evergreen & spring to early summer flowering.
2 Dec, 2015
Previous question
Maybe a Boltonia asteroides?
29 Nov, 2015