By Morcol
west yorks.,
United Kingdom
hi can anyone tell me why my miniature roses are dying? I noticed some black spot on them and srayed them with a product meant to remedy it,could this be the cause? They were so healthy and pretty a couple of weeks ago. Thanks
30 Jul, 2010
Hi I planted them in the garden a couple of years ago, I dont know the variety, or the name of the product I used to spray them with as I have throw the container away, but it was specifically for black spot. I usually water every evening (if it hasn't rained)
30 Jul, 2010
Don't water every evening, if they are established plants, they should be watered at most once a week with a good soaking. Roses hate being constantly wet. During naturally very wet summers, they can lose all their leaves and are more prone to mildew and blackspot. Feed well with a slow release rose fertiliser twice a year to keep them happy and refrain from any watering now they are out of leaf or you will most certainly kill them.
30 Jul, 2010
Thankyou very much,should I cut them back now ?
31 Jul, 2010
Only lightly and to a bud. They will probably flush with some new growth soon if all is well with the roots.
31 Jul, 2010
Thank you very much
1 Aug, 2010
Are they in containers or in the ground and were they sold/purchased inside or outside? Do you know the variety names? How long have you had them? If in pots, what sort of soil are they in and what is your watering regime? What is the product name of the substance you sprayed them with?
That should be enough to garner some sort of idea of whats going on.Thanks :-)
30 Jul, 2010