By Amy
United Kingdom
I have a shrub approx.6ft high in my garden , it's quite bare after losing its foliage but it has left behind these lovely little flower heads I didn't notice them in the summer the flowers are 3-4 cms across so quite small ,I've no idea what the shrub is ,any ideas please ,Thanks ...

1 Dec, 2015
Thanks Bamboo I'll Google that to see what I think ,it doesn't scramble or climb in any way it has strong thick stems like a tree 6ft tall ...
1 Dec, 2015
Have a look at the leaves too, to see if they're what you remember being on the plant - no point in asking for a photo, as they've all dropped off now, but foliage is important for proper ID.
1 Dec, 2015
Thanks Bamboo I've Googled it and I'm sure you are right , 'Clever boy' There may be an odd leaf hanging on but the photos look conclusive , Goodness knows where it came from we must have bought it in a sale or similar not knowing what it was ... I'm pleased to be able to put a name to it Thank you ...
1 Dec, 2015
Clever boy? I'm female - I would have put 'clever girl', but a girl I definitely ain't any more...;-) Not that it matters much either way....
1 Dec, 2015
Oh no ! .. that's funny sorry Bamboo , now if you're name was Primrose I might have guessed female Lol .. I'm sure you are still a clever young girl at heart .. :o))
1 Dec, 2015
Very attractive with its late flowering fragrant flowers & exotic looking berries.
2 Dec, 2015
Thank you for your comment Gf :o)
2 Dec, 2015
Amy, when joining the site years ago, I filled out the information wrongly and put one of my email addresses in the wrong space - that address happens to start with 'bamboo', and that's how I ended up as bamboo! I didn't mind people not knowing I was female initially - females don't get taken as seriously as male professionals in many areas of work, generally speaking. Now I'm too old to care, and the secret's been out for a while (that I'm female...)
3 Dec, 2015
Bamboo the only reason I thought you might be male was because we have a friend who has a Bamboo nursery who is male that was the connection you see , from now on I will imagine you as a beautiful lady gardener in flowing frocks and sunhats :o)) thats not anything like me by the way I'm all dirty hands and grubby in trousers Lol ...
3 Dec, 2015
Oh dear! Flowing frocks and sunhats, anyone who knows me would be rolling on the floor laughing - I'm like you, grubby trainers, muddy black trousers and teeshirts for working in, with the addition of fingerless gloves (black, of course) in winter and black legwarmers pulled right up for warmth and a large, black man's jumper over everything else. All black so as not to show too much mud...well in theory, when mud dries, of course, everyone can see it and it does bring some very funny looks when I pop into Waitrose on the way home from a job. I might be a woman, but I'm definitely not ladylike...
4 Dec, 2015
Bamboo, that sounds exactly how a gardner should look, male or female.
Now I'm slightly different in that I wear jeans with muddy knees, scruffy old trainers or my pink welly's, almost always a jumper & my old wax jacket with lots of useful pockets over the lot. Oh & I just treated myself to a pair of yellow GL gloves
Now I really like Rachel de Thame but can't figure out how she always looks so nice even in her old stuff!
4 Dec, 2015
Now that's what we call 'real' gardeners dress code , I look at my friends long shiny gelled finger nails and wonder how on earth do they keep them like that ! Do you remember Penelope Keith in the Good life ? tip toeing about picking one runner bean at a time , I liked that programme .. Lol
6 Dec, 2015
I loved The Good Life, was a fav programme, the humour was perfect.
....but, Amy, I have quite long painted fingernails (see on profile pic) & I get down & dirty too, lol. My friend who does them for me can't understand how it is they aren't all broken & scruffy. I don't know either!
6 Dec, 2015
You must have magic nails, Greenfinger - mine break, crack, snap and split, and the funny thing is, I don't even notice they've done it till I come in and scrub up... so I just keep them short.
6 Dec, 2015
Bamboo, the problem I used to have was my nails splitting, but since breaking my wrist I've been taking calcium, perhaps that explains it. I have to file them down every 5 or 6 weeks otherwise they would get really long.
6 Dec, 2015
I've got calcium coming out of my ears - I take two large doses a day to try and stave off osteoporosis, but perhaps the fact I'm osteopoenic explains it...
6 Dec, 2015
As you get older bone density becomes less particularly postmenopausal, they told me I was osteoporonic after a dexa scan - they do like to give us labels, don't they.
6 Dec, 2015
Do you wear gloves Gf I try to wear them but more often than not they are taken off , I have a friend who swears by scrapping her nails along a bar of soap before gardening it helps to stop the dirt getting under the nails I've yet to try that one !
6 Dec, 2015
That sounds like a good idea, Amy, I shall have to try that.
It depends on what I'm doing, I have some thornproof ones for if I'm in the blackthorn hedge or pruning roses but I get tired of putting them on & off for when you need finer contact.
My last ones were so worn out that they had become fingerless gloves. I have just bought some GL dry touch ones & they are excellent as you can pretty much use them for everything & they stop your hands getting cold & wet too - expensive but I found some for almost 1/2 price.
There's a new sort out made of Nitrile which is said to be very good & also cheap (about £2.50 on Ebay), they are more like a 2nd skin.
7 Dec, 2015
I mostly use wolf garten work gloves because they fit well - but the tips of the fingers wear out quite quickly and so my nails are exposed at the tips. I keep the leather, thick ones for thorny jobs, not for use in the soil.
that trick with scraping along a bar of soap I tried years ago, but couldn't stand the feeling of stuff being stuck there all the time. It sort of worked, a bit though. And now I don't have a bar of soap in the house, they're all liquids!
7 Dec, 2015
My thorn proof ones are Wolf gloves too. I thought the soap trick was worth trying but then like you, Bamboo, we don't have any bars in the house either, lol.
7 Dec, 2015
Does anybody, now? I can't remember the last time I used a bar of soap in anyone's house, actually... clearly we all dislike the mucky mess in the soap dish!
7 Dec, 2015
I have soap , I keep a bar under the sink with a nail brush I have a favorite a lovely tangerine glycerine scented one which I scrub my nails with I can't do it so well with the liquid pump soaps , this is a tip which might help you girls do you remember Chivers Jams & Jellies well when I started out to work I was a nurse in Chivers factory surgery it was a sweet little surgery in a thatched cottage in the factory grounds almost all the girls coming down for treatment had lovely nails I asked several of them how they managed it ,the answer was to eat a couple of squares of jelly a day ... there's something in that as its glycerine ...
7 Dec, 2015
Wow, Amy, that rattled a distant memory somewhere in the depths of my mind. I had heard that before but had long forgotten about it!
7 Dec, 2015
Yea, I heard that one about jelly too - never tried it though, I always ended up eating the jelly squares all at once rather than one or two a day. That's the trouble with being greedy of course...
8 Dec, 2015
Never mind the Trifle for Christmas start eating the jelly cubes instead .. Only 2 cubes a day Bamboo Lol ....
9 Dec, 2015
Oh no, not another foodstuff that requires self discipline - I usually manage that by just not buying them!
9 Dec, 2015
I don't think Jelly cubes count Bamboo they disappear when you pour boiling water on them Lol ... go on treat yourself ,think of the lovely long nails at the end of it :o))
9 Dec, 2015
Well, you have to remember that all that sugar and glucose does dissolve really easily in hot water...!
9 Dec, 2015
Is that a big NO to Jelly cubes then Bamboo, oh well I did try ..!!
9 Dec, 2015
No, I think maybe I should give it a try, with a bit of self control. I'll have to buy some next time I'm at the shops, if they still sell it
9 Dec, 2015
Yes they do Bamboo I bought some the other day in Morrisons am I allowed to say that ? talking about control I could use some of that ! we have a factory shop in the next town where they make and sell chocolate odd shapes etc. for M & S I go in and fill carrier bag for a couple of pounds ,it takes a lot of will power to leave it for the grandchildren ....
9 Dec, 2015
Did you say chocolate factory, Amy? Do tell where it is!
Chocolate is a weird one for me - I go months & months without wanting any. I have a dresser cupboard with boxes of chocolates in it from last year, I even threw out some tins of Celebrations that were so old ......then suddenly I get a craving for it & will eat a whole boxful.
9 Dec, 2015
Ah, Greenfinger, in theory, you might be after the boron content in chocolate, without realising it, obviously - you're supposed to eat lots of broccoli instead. I've never tried it, if I want chocolate, I just have chocolate, but I have to say, now I'm an old bird, I don't find myself craving it like I used to, though I eat it if its there. I haven't driven to Tesco at midnight desperate for chocolate for easily ten years...
10 Dec, 2015
Don't know bout that, Bamboo as we do eat broccoli at least every week but at least I only have to go as far as my dresser cupboard when the craving hits, (smile).
I had a friend that would get the craving regularly once a month around her cycle time, her hubby would head to the garage for a big block of choc for her.
10 Dec, 2015
Yep, I noticed the decline in my rabid desire for chocolate started to go around the time of peri menopause... definitely a link with the cycle.
10 Dec, 2015
Gf Its in Fakenham ,they use to stock it in a corner in a shop next to the factory but it became so popular they now have their own shop in the town they also make chocolate for Thorntons selling mis-shapes ,I like dark chocolate I don't feel a bit guilty as I have high BP and am told a few squares of dark chocolate each evening is good for you ... I make special Beneforte Broccoli soup for my husband the hospital wanted him to go on a years trial supplying him with the soup ,its a new trail programme from John Inns the drawback was they wanted to do more biopsies during the year which he refused as he initially went into hospital for a biopsy which coursed him to have an infection he had to go back into hospital as an emergency after the biopsy he was on a drip for 4 days , I source the Beneforte Broccoli then make several batches to freeze ...he is taking it for a year .. he has been on antibiotics since this happened in February and is still waiting for an op...
10 Dec, 2015
I like dark chocolate too & a few squares a night is no guilt trip so you just enjoy it!
Your poor OH - he has been having a rough time, I don't blame him for refusing after that experience. Do you/he think the Beneforte is helping?
11 Dec, 2015
We don't know at this stage Gf but will keep it up for a year which is what the hospital would have done , I have a friend she is very well up on ways of healing yourself and has studied it in depth she recommended Tony to put some powdered charcoal in a jar fill it with water and then sip the water through a straw occasionally through out the day also to stop taking the antibiotics ,Tony hasn't quite dared to stop taking the antibiotics as he doesn't want to risk going back on a drip but he has limited taking them to every other day without any draw backs so far ..fingers crossed ,apparently the charcoal cleans the kidneys ...
11 Dec, 2015
Yes, I know charcoal is used in filtration but as a layer that water trickles through it to remove impurities. I used it when I kept tropical fish & it is also what the Brita cartridge has inside.
The antibio's are doing a different job altogether.
11 Dec, 2015
Yes thank you Gf ,I'm replying on your PM ....
11 Dec, 2015
Most likely Clerodendrum trichotomum 'fargesii', assuming the stems and foliage behave in a scrambling, climbing way rather than being a freestanding, tidy shrub.
1 Dec, 2015