By Rohima
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Hello every one. I need help again. A long stem from my Ludicia plant has broken off. Can any one advise how to propagate the stem as it is quite long and healthy. All advise truley appreciated. Thank you.
30 Jul, 2010
Hello Fractal, yes you are correct. It is the Orchid Ludisia. Was spelt wrong on the name tag. Picked it up as a small nearly dead plant from the garden centre for it's leaf colour. Did not know it's care needs, just potted it up and it is growing lovely. I am thinkink of re potting the whole plant as it seems a bit compacted in it's current pot. Should i use multi purpose compost? Thank you for your advice.
31 Jul, 2010
They grow in leaf mould under trees in their warm temperate forest home. If you can add any of that to the compost? Perhaps one part multi purpose, one part leaf mould and one part composted bark. Liquid feed with half strength baby bio once every say 6-8 weeks in summer and always keep in light shade.
They really are lovely plants and very easy to grow and though in the orchid family, are grown for their lovely patterned leaves as much as the small but still pretty flowers.
31 Jul, 2010
Actually, we have some in work that have finished flowering and I think are reduced, nothing wrong with them of course. I think I may buy one so thanks for reminding about them.
31 Jul, 2010
Incidentally, does yours look like this one?
31 Jul, 2010
Have tried the the link on google but it is noy identifying it. When i tried just ludisia managed to see picture and it is the same. Yesthe leaves are lovely but so are the delicare coloured flowers.Thank you for your advice. Think i have some leaf mould at back of shed and have orchid compost so hopefully will give the plant the right condition to grow even better. (hopefully)
31 Jul, 2010
Hello Fractal. I didn'y know how to bring up your link.So when my son came up yesterday i took a lesson from him and was able to see the picture in your link and yes my plant looks just like it except perhaps not as healthy. Hope fully that has inow been rectified after repotting.
6 Aug, 2010
It should be fine now.
I should have mentioned about copy and paste as there are no direct links in questions and answers on here.
6 Aug, 2010
Not actually sure what a Lucidia is? I suspect this is only part of the name or a misspelling?
Do you mean the Orchid Ludisia? They are sometimes called Jewel orchids.
If it is, the stems root easily in the same compost as the parent plant.
31 Jul, 2010