By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
Not a Question but thought I wiuld share this with you all :o))
I saw this in a gardening Magazine & thought it was a good idea for growing rose cuttings.....
Push rose cuttings into a potato & then put in the ground & heal in. It stops the cutting drying out :o))
x Jackie x

15 Dec, 2015
very interesting concept.
15 Dec, 2015
Ha ha, that's exactly what I wondered, Arbuthnot - surely the potatoes will grow, especially this year cos we don't seem to having a winter at all... well not down south anyway, the daffodils are flowering already. Be sure and let us know, Ladyessex - potatoes and roses?
15 Dec, 2015 many rose of potatoes will you get from them i wonder ha ha .
15 Dec, 2015
LOL, we'll find out when they've Rose from the ground Boom! Boom! :o))
15 Dec, 2015
So, are those 'White Rose' potatoes? :)
16 Dec, 2015
Well it must be Christmas! Couple of good cracker jokes there, Lady essex and Tugbrethil;-))
16 Dec, 2015
:o)) Nice to have a Good Laugh all together :o))
They may be Red's Tugbrethil LOL
17 Dec, 2015
Or they may turn out to be rotten!
17 Dec, 2015
I'll take the potatoes - time for beef stew!
17 Dec, 2015
I would cook the spuds in Rose Water Bathgate LOL.
20 Dec, 2015
I'll admit that ROSEmary would be more to my taste!
21 Dec, 2015
LOL, Thanks for having a laugh all of you :o))
Hope you All have a Happy Rosie Christmas :o))
23 Dec, 2015
Happy Christmas to you, and everyone else too!
23 Dec, 2015
I wish everyone a happy, healthy holiday season & prosperous New Year.
23 Dec, 2015
Merry Christmas to everyone!
26 Dec, 2015
What a good idea. I shall try that. Does it mean I'll get a crop of early potatoes too?
15 Dec, 2015