By Dave9i46
United Kingdom
Can any one tell if I can plant a Cycylamen in the border there like pot plant for the house ☹
16 Dec, 2015
as moon grower says you need a garden species such as Cyclamen coum or Cyclamen hederfoilium as they are 'designed' for out door life. the majority on sale at present are indoor ones.
17 Dec, 2015
I agree with those above :o))
I have the garden Cyclamen, it so dainty, don't plant a indoor one outside, you'll kill it.
The one you have which sounds like an indoor one should be watered sparingly from the bottom too & don't leave it standing in water either.
17 Dec, 2015
Some of the smaller ones sold for containers are OK in a sheltered spot, and gritty compost. I have overwintered quite a few successfully outside, (sheltered, under trees) AND (oh joy!) managed to germinate some seed from a small white Coum by sowing direct in gritty border and covering with an upside down jam jar - i got four germinated seedlings from one pod, which was a bonus. Jam jar is like mini greenhouse (and reminds you where you put them!) As with many, wet is more a problem than cold, keep them slightly above, rather than below, soil level. If you want to force them to another flush indoors, stress them like mad by not watering for quite a while, and then start again, they're so grateful they go mad!!!
17 Dec, 2015
You can tell the difference often by the length of the flower stem. Long ones with big leaves will be house plants(6" or more).There are some smaller flowered ones that are house plants too but the tall ones always are.
17 Dec, 2015
You can tell the difference often by the length of the flower stem. Long ones with big leaves will be house plants(6" or more).There are a few smaller flowered ones that are house plants too but the tall ones always are.
The bright medium sized ones, smaller than the tall one but larger than coum, will survive outside in a mild area - they do here - but probably not where you are.
17 Dec, 2015
Depends which cyclamen you are referring to. The ones sold in supermarkets and GC's at this time of year in flower are not hardy and need to be in a cool room. I'd also check that they've been kept watered before buying, Lidl in Forres kills plants off as they never water them at all!
16 Dec, 2015