By Rogi
Hallo all. A belated happy christmas. I was given a big sprig of misteltoe with loads of berries on it.I thought I would try and graft it onto a tree. Has anybody else tried to do this and what was the success. Thanks for any answers.
28 Dec, 2015
I have done it but you must be patient. Sometimes the berries take a while to sprout. I squashed mine into cracks on an apple tree not expecting anything to happen. Hey presto, a year later I saw mistletoe leaves.
28 Dec, 2015
@ Moon growe & Abuthnot...thanks for your answers...very much appreciated.
28 Dec, 2015
Rogi .. take a look here... and Season's Greetings !
28 Dec, 2015
Rogi, don't be surprised if your neighbors don't appreciate your efforts, though. Birds can spread the seeds far and wide, and some areas list it as a noxious weed!
28 Dec, 2015
not in UK and Europe so far as I know Tugb.
28 Dec, 2015
Ignorance showing again! :/
Actually, I'm surprised, since apples are one of its hosts, and it is annoyingly hard to get rid of in an orchard situation.
29 Dec, 2015
Thanks for all the answers.
29 Dec, 2015
Try putting some of the berries into cracks in the bark of an apple tree Rogi...
28 Dec, 2015