By Barbarak
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Happy 2016 to all. Because of unusual weather this 'winter' I thought I would go round the garden and list the plants in flower that shouldn't be. So with lupins , penstemon, carnations, campanula carp. A hyacinth, primula denticulata, alstroemerias in bud and Polygala I also have this gardenia . It's been in this sheltered damp area since last September. The label said ok for outside so after losing plants indoors I thought I would try outside. I have doubts that it will flower fully but thought that it was unusual for north yorks. Don't worry too much about the standing water , it does drain through the day as long as it doesn't continue raining but the plants have survived well in wet ground.

3 Jan, 2016
Happy 2016 to you Barbarak, I don't think any of the usual rules apply now, we just have to go along with nature, makes for an interesting challenge don't you think.....
3 Jan, 2016
Wow! The gardenias here have just barely started to form buds! Then, until this week, we have had unusually cold weather.
4 Jan, 2016
Erm, is it just me that can't actually see any Gardenia in the photograph? I can see a Leucothoe (which will love the moisture) and some other plant nearby with what looks like reddish new growth, but nothing that looks like gardenia, and especially not G. 'Kleim's hardy' - although the pic is upside down, which doesn't help...
4 Jan, 2016
Hi bamboo, the photo isn't upside down on my iPad. The gardenia is the plant with the white buds in front of the leucothoe.
4 Jan, 2016
Upside down on my laptop. Just another of those device foibles, probably. Pictures from phones, Tablets, and I-Pads often wind up mis-oriented on this site.
5 Jan, 2016
Thanks for the info re photos Tugbrethil. I'll upload photos in future to desktop to check orientation. I hope I have changed the orientation of the photo.
5 Jan, 2016
yep, its the right way up now - what variety of Gardenia is it, I don't recognise it?
5 Jan, 2016
I'll have to wait until it stops raining to check the label but I don't think it gave the variety. It was from either Lidl or Aldi!!!
5 Jan, 2016
No luck finding the label. It's alive at the moment so I'll wait and see. I might protect it next week as it's going to get colder apparently.
6 Jan, 2016
I'm not convinced its a Gardenia, personally - I can see the backs of two flowers on a plant to the right of the pic, but the plant appears to have leaves which are nothing like a Gardenia - and Gardenias are fussy beasts indoors and are only houseplants here, other than Gardenia 'Kleim's Hardy', (and it isn't that) which is why I'm curious about it....
6 Jan, 2016
Happy New Year to you all - I'd like to add my guess to the flowering plant in the picture. Could it be a Hellebore??
6 Jan, 2016
Lower left hand quarter of the picture, Bamboo.
7 Jan, 2016
I wasn't asking actually for identification more making a statement of the weather conditions. You are right Tunbrethil, the gardenia is in the lower left there is also a leucothoe , a hellebore and a very young photinia in lower right. When it stops raining I'm going to take a better photo and also cut the flowers to see if they open indoors. When I see the flowers open I should know if it's the Klein hardy variety.
7 Jan, 2016
Oh gawd, what a plonker I am - I didn't notice the plant bottom left, was too busy looking at the one with flowers, and yes, that does look like some sort of Gardenia, sorry Barbarak and thanks to Tug for pointing its position out...
7 Jan, 2016
I'd love to know the variety. I almost bought a gardenia last weekend but was told it was only for indoors. My brother has beautiful gardenias in his front garden. He lives in Tampa, Florida.
7 Jan, 2016
Happy New Year, thank you
3 Jan, 2016