By Ianthemkdon
United Kingdom
Hi, I have a shrub, picture attached and in the middle at the base, a hard nobbly thing has developed, pic attached. Anyone know what it is and what I should do with it.
Feels like I would need a saw to cut into it
I have a similar shrub elsewhere in the garden and that has not developed this thing/growth
Any thoughts welcome. Thanks.

5 Jan, 2016
Agree. It's very contagious so I would check with internet sites but I imagine it's close of play to you euonymous and its fellow shrub.
5 Jan, 2016
What a shame, its a lovely little shrub (Its one of the silver variegated Euonymus fortunii)
You could take a few cuttings from your other one but they can be very slow to get going. I'd play safe and plant something herbaceous there instead for a few years.
5 Jan, 2016
Thanks everyone. Very disappointing the answer, but I bow to the knowledge of you all. Spade and fork to the ready.....thinking about planting spuds in its place as the website link suggests, the good lady is already saying she will not eat them!! Haha
6 Jan, 2016
Gosh, Iciar rides again!
6 Jan, 2016
Crown Gall at a guess, a bacterial disease (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) of Euonymus, that also infects Poplar, Hawthorns, fruit trees, etc..
5 Jan, 2016