By Mspbrinded
United Kingdom
As I'm sure alot of you have the same issue is have bulbs shooting up due to the warm weather can I preserve them in January and February with a good layer of compost to protect them from spoiling?
Also I have a new honeysuckle planted end of summer 2015 that is growing well any suggestions on how to keep this safe during Jan and Feb too?
8 Jan, 2016
I agree Sbg, they seem to cope with cold weather better than us!
8 Jan, 2016
We have spring bulbs shooting up all over the garden as they do every year. No protection is needed, they will not come to harm.
8 Jan, 2016
I believe a covering of snow is a good insulation against severe cold and wind too. As anything within it or under it will stay at a constant temperature of 32F=0C even if the air temperature drops well below that.
9 Jan, 2016
Even if the new growth on the honeysuckle gets killed back by cold in the next couple of months, that'll drop off later (or you can trim it off) and it'll grow again as the weather warms up. It wouldn't normally be growing during winter anyway, its only the unusual weather conditions causing it to do this, and new growth is vulnerable to frost - but as I say, it'll grow again in spring/early summer.
9 Jan, 2016
most bulbs will be fine left unattended. after all it is more likely to be thick snow in march than December.
as for the honeysuckle that tends to be fully hardy too. if you can you could protect it with horticultural fleece.
8 Jan, 2016