By Cheddargirl
United Kingdom
We also have a copper cherry tree, it has always produced pink double flowers and this year big hanging cherries, I am sure its only produced cherries in the last couple of years, are they edible? hope so...... I always thought it was a copperbark didnt know it could produce cherries?
31 Jul, 2010
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Welcome, Cheddargirl!
Most of us here have never heard of copper cherry trees, but you are the second person to ask about them! By "copperbark", do you mean Prunus serrula? aka Birchbark Cherry, Paperbark Cherry, or Tibetan Cherry. Below is the address for an excellent picture of it's unique bark:
Please tell us if that is what you have. If it is, it can produce cherries, but everything I've read indicates that they are strictly for the birds! I'll have to call my Aunt in Washington, D. C., she has one in her back yard.
31 Jul, 2010