By Loosestrife2
United States
Has anyone ever made "manure tea"? If so, how do you make it and how do you use it? Thank You
7 Feb, 2016
Thank You Very Much MG! One other thing, do you use composted manure?
7 Feb, 2016
I would always use composted manure. Fresh has too much salt and ammonia which will burn tender plants.
8 Feb, 2016
Yes the manure needs to be well rotted, or composted.
8 Feb, 2016
Our kids used to love going for walks in the nearby hills. Armed with a bucket and a trowel they vied with each other to see who could fill their bucket with sheep purls. It was steeped and use as described by Moon grower to water the leeks. When we grew potatoes the local farmer brought us a trailer load of cow manure. It was used under the potatoes or spread over the dug over garden in the autumn. It was dug in in the Spring. We were able to get free horse manure and it was mixed with sawdust rather than straw. It needed to be kept for at least three years before it was composted to our satisfaction.
10 Feb, 2016
My Mom use to swear by it, she just did exactly the same. Just don't make it too strong or weak. Just like tea! Two other things, milk to make moss grow on bricks, and coffee grinds in the garden. She had an amazing natural green thumb... In England, probably enough moss! I do the tea in Vermont, good stuff.
22 Feb, 2016
Fill a five gallon plastic bucket or other container two-thirds of the way full with water. Add enough manure to fill the bucket the rest of the way. Let this steep for a day or two, stirring once or twice a day. When you're done steeping it, leave it alone for an hour or so so the solids settle to the bottom, then simply pour the liquid into another container. Or filter if you are really fussy. Use diluted in water s that it looks like weak tea. Bulba and I have done in the past and it worked.
7 Feb, 2016