By Wendiam
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
I am in the unusually lucky position of having a part of my allotment that is not needed for the regular crops I grow. I would like to experiment a bit and grow something unusual. Last year this area was used for growing a new variety of winter squash for the Which trials, so not squashes again. Does anyone have any ideas of something I can grow here that's a bit different? The area is about 10 foot by 10 foot and has some shade late in the day from the raspberries. I have an east / west plot, so lots of sunshine, when it's not too shy to show it's face!!
1 Mar, 2016
Tomatillos, maybe?
2 Mar, 2016
Very tempted by the sweet potatoes Steragram, if we can get the sunshine. Tugbrethil, I have looked at the Tomatillos, but not sure what to do with them afterwards, have successfully grown Physalis in the garden and they are from the same family - might try them both, one on th eplot and one in the garden!!
Thanks for your suggestions.
2 Mar, 2016
You would eat the Tomatillos in the same way you eat tomatoes Wendi
2 Mar, 2016
Most commonly used to make salsa or chutney. Since they are sweeter than tomatoes when fully ripe, preserves and desserts are also a possibility, especially with the variety 'Pineapple'.
5 Mar, 2016
Thanks Moon grower and tugbrethil. I am liking the sound of the chutneys I do make chutneys and pickles, so something different sounds like a challenge. Do you
know if they freeze well?
Steragram - have ordered the sweet potato slips today and looking forward to posting their progress (might even upload some photos - although not one of my better attributes!!)
5 Mar, 2016
That would be great. I am being tempted myself but think you have to be well prepared for failure if we get an indifferent summer.
5 Mar, 2016
Might be tempted to try a row of sweet potatoes as you are in the south.
1 Mar, 2016