By Johnp58
United Kingdom
why it is that the daffodils you pick from your garden last so much longer....and look so much 'fresher' than the ones you buy in tight bud from supermarkets?
1 Mar, 2016
Fully agree with Bamboo
1 Mar, 2016
The ones in the supermarket were picked a couple weeks before you actually see them.
1 Mar, 2016
I treated myself to a couple of bunches of red roses from Tesco on the 15th and they are still going strong (and if my OH says he gave them to me on Valentine's Day he's telling porkies)! Best £2.00 spent in ages.
1 Mar, 2016
Wow, that was a bargain!
1 Mar, 2016
I bought daffodils from there (% to mariecurie) and they are lasting, helps to chop the bottom of the stems ocasionally I think
2 Mar, 2016
I buy daffs in Tesco and like them- the only thing I wish is they'd include some leaves, but the growers don't, for obvious reasons... Two weeks for roses though, that's pretty amazing...
2 Mar, 2016
We have a wonderful florist locally that we use for special occasions, but I often buy supermarket flowers which last for ages - especially lilies and chrysanthemums.
8 Mar, 2016
Previous question
« I have an empty spot at the front of the house and I'd like to sow some seeds...
Probably because when you pick your own, you don't then transport them to the shed/warehouse, separate and bundle them into bunches of a certain number of stems, pack 'em into boxes and chill, wait for a chilled truck, load them on the truck, drive them however many miles to the supermarket, where they're unloaded and then, after more cold storage, eventually, get displayed for sale. Yours, I imagine, are immediately put in a vase of water...
1 Mar, 2016