By Nellie61
United Kingdom
Not a question, its just that i am pet sitting at my Sons all this week while they are on holiday so cant do any gardening surpose i will just have to dream about it !!!
6 Mar, 2016
Yes, there are advantages to having a pet rock ( remember those? ) or an ant farm when it comes to not requiring a pet sitter when wants to get away for a little while.
6 Mar, 2016
Been there done that many times, I always ended up in their gardens, lol, never mind Nellie you can browse on Goy and make lots of plans...
6 Mar, 2016
That sounds boring ... you could read some gardening magazines/books :)
6 Mar, 2016
Or spend some time with seed catalogues.
6 Mar, 2016
LOL, are we all trying to make Nellie's wishlist grow, mine does everytime I do any of the things we've suggested...
6 Mar, 2016
Long walks in the countryside? I'm assuming they have dogs of course.....:)
6 Mar, 2016
You must be bored rigid then, Nellie61 - can't you do their garden instead?
6 Mar, 2016