United Kingdom
Hi - can anyone ID these rose bushes for me?

7 Mar, 2016
I think you need to wait and post some photos of flowers to get an id for your plants.
7 Mar, 2016
At this stage in their growth, no, I'm afraid not.
7 Mar, 2016
Ask again when they are in flower.
7 Mar, 2016
On the off chance that you are new to rose growing, remember they should be pruned this month.
7 Mar, 2016
Looking more closely it seems there are flowers on the first rose shown. It might be a floribunda and the second might be a Tea rose. Take a look at this website Look in their Rose locator and click on as many of the options as you know of your rose eg Type, use, flower colour and fragrance. There is a drop down list of options under each heading. The site then gives options. If you have photos of the your plants with flowers on them it would help us id them for you. Different types of roses get different pruning regimes but a rule of thumb as with any shrub is to cut back damaged or diseased branches to a healthy bud. Also cut out any branches which are rubbing against others and try and keep a good framework with an open centre. Cut back any which are likely to catch on passers by. I am no expert on roses but there are plenty of members who will be willing to give more advice.
8 Mar, 2016
Where did yo see the flowers Scotsgran? I couldn't see any.
8 Mar, 2016
There are some largeish white flowers top left of the first picture, Steragram - but I'm not convinced its not fooling the eye, the flowers may, in fact, be the white or pale primula flowering behind, or dangling off a longer stem on the rose bush... hard to tell.
As the others say, best to wait and post pics of the flowers - because you've taken cuttings and they're growing on their own roots (in other words, not grafted on a different rootstock, which likely the bushes you took cuttings from were) it'll be hard to tell from growth habit what the varieties are, because they may not perform as strongly. That means we're dependent on flower form primarily to decide what they may be... I take it you don't know the varietal names of the parent plants?
8 Mar, 2016
I think you're right Bamboo, I expanded the picture and you can see the primrose clearly
It also looks as if the rose leaves are very yellow.....
8 Mar, 2016
Yes I saw the white flowers but yes they are prims and there's also a little clump of miniature daffodils.
8 Mar, 2016
Well spotted Bamboo. I don't think these are the cutting though. He is assuming they are roses because they have thorns and the leaves are similar to some cuttings he took last year.
8 Mar, 2016
Well, they do look like rose plants to me, Scotsgran, whether they're the cuttings or not...
9 Mar, 2016
I agree Bamboo.
9 Mar, 2016
Yes these are not the cuttings I took, these are two bushes I have inherited at my new house. I want to prune them but as they are rather small there doesn't seem to be much to prune, and I know there are different techniques for the floribunda or hybrid tea types.
12 Mar, 2016
Previous question
I am assuming they are roses on the basis that they have thorns and the leaf growth is similar to some cuttings I made from my parents rose bush last year!
7 Mar, 2016