By Linmar
United Kingdom
Fifteen years ago I bought a plant from a barrow and was told the name was Seseli. When I looked it up it says Seseli Gummiferum (Moon Carrot)short lived perennial biennial with masses of white flowers/umbels. Mine has never flowered and is a strong grower - every year. The fronds are as described glisten as if in moonlight and grow to a meter long. Its putting on a lot of growth now and seems not to mind the cold weather.
Can anyone identify it as perhaps being something else.
When I have more time I'll try to get a picture on here but not very good.
7 Mar, 2016
Linmar, I have sent you a PM...
7 Mar, 2016
Its in a sheltered position and grows very strongly. Thanks for message - I'll have to see about photos.
8 Mar, 2016
A friend has helped in getting a photo of Seseli on here under my photos. Its not a very good one and its put on loads of growth since then. The Mahonia was cut back hard about 2 yrs ago and so it now gets plenty of sun and is on a West fence Its obviously very happy as you can almost see it growing! I'll get a more recent pic.put on soon.
18 Apr, 2016
Previous question
The only way anyone can really help is if you post a photo. 2 photos would be even better, 3? Location is everything, so if you can show the conditions it's growing, all the better. thanks.
7 Mar, 2016