By Queenie
United Kingdom
Help! My dahlia tubers are spouting already and are about 7cm tall, they're in the coldest room, but that's obviously not cold enough, but shed is too cold and dark... What do I do now?
14 Mar, 2016
I agree, pot them on if not already done. you could always take some off and grow them on as cuttings.
14 Mar, 2016
I am off on holiday so I have potted up my Dahlias into new compost. I always do this in March Queenie.
14 Mar, 2016
Thanks for all the advice, I shall try to take some cuttings and pot up the rest....Cheers Q?
14 Mar, 2016
Hi, if you decide to take cuttings, leave at least 1/8 of an inch of stem, this will allow it to regrow, probably 2 shoots, so that you don't lose any of the size of your plant, which you would if you cut off all the shoot, Derek.
15 Mar, 2016
Assuming they're not already, pot 'em up, leave them in the same room, preferably with good daylight, water as necessary. Then in April, move them somewhere warmer until you can put them outdoors later on. If they're already potted, then you still need to keep them inside, preferably somewhere that's brightly lit (daylight/sunlight).
14 Mar, 2016