By Lynda49
United Kingdom
what can i do to stop it
1 Aug, 2010
Hi Lynda and welcome to GoY you need to tell us what it is you are wanting to 'stop'!
1 Aug, 2010
Join a no smoking group, lol?
1 Aug, 2010
A cork?
1 Aug, 2010
1 Aug, 2010
Come on guys Lynda only joined today and possibly asked her question from another page thinking we would see what she was asking about.
1 Aug, 2010
Actually, when the question was posted she was only known as "Guest". Have another go Lynda & frame a question with a bit more info for us. We'll stop the jokes, honest! ;-)
1 Aug, 2010
I'll spank them all if they don't lol
1 Aug, 2010
1 Aug, 2010
Promises, promises!
1 Aug, 2010
Promises, promises!
1 Aug, 2010
Yea, sorry Lynda, but you were only a Guest when you posted this and I couldn't resist the temptation...
1 Aug, 2010
Neither could I. But we're very sorry and we're standing outside the headmistress's study trying not to giggle. Or pinch each other. And hoping to get away without a spanking. At least Bamboo & I are, I'm not so sure about Owdboggy..... 8-o
1 Aug, 2010
Decades since I got a good spanking - and I'm closer to Mg than any of you - Nah-nah-nah-nah-nah!!!!
Loved reading this, my "laugh of the day"!! please, Lynda, post more details (and a pic, perhaps?) and put our minds at rest as to what you want "sorted".
1 Aug, 2010
1 Aug, 2010
Previous question
« my asters are drying up before they are flowering and I don't know why
Put the brakes on? make a new year's resolution? threaten it with a spade?
1 Aug, 2010