United Kingdom
Dwarf peas in pots? Anyone got any experience doing dwarf peas in pots, I have transplanted 6 out of 3 inch pots into 1 X 8 inch pot as the pic shows. The roots were already growing out the bottom of the small pots so suspect they will need quite a lot of depth? Main reason for doing this is that the ones I sowed last October have all been annhialated by slugs so am experimenting on growing some in pots, hopefully out of slugs reach in the conservatory!

18 Mar, 2016
I had not heard of that no but just had a look on Amazon! I had tried holly leaves, copper tape, barriers, slug pellets but somehow they get thru! I have in the last month put a ring of sharp sand round them all and that seems to have reduced the damage a lot, but thought I would get another batch going indoors for later in the year anyway!
18 Mar, 2016
That's good, but indoors slugs shouldn't be an issue. DE works much like the sharp sand. It's the same idea.
18 Mar, 2016
I still get small slugs and snails in the conservatory - never found out how they get in, perhaps eggs in the compost. The only solution I found was to put just one or two slug pellets in each pot - not desirable but it works.
Diatomaceous earth's a good idea - anything with sharp edges like that should help.
18 Mar, 2016
Wow, persistent little critters aren't they? I may see one or two slugs all summer - that's if I go out side and turn over a log.
18 Mar, 2016
Just to confirm, Martin, are those 10" x 8" pots? If so , I would only plant one plant per pot., unless you expect to thin them out severely later.
19 Mar, 2016
I remember one summer a few years ago when after rain there were scores of them all over the lawn, all shades from light beige to black and assorted sizes from little ones to three inch monsters.. Thank goodness this was exceptional - usually its snails we have to contend with.
19 Mar, 2016
Yes I have got 5 or 6 in 10x8" pots, they are the dwarf variety tho? Had a feeling it might be a bit crowded but was low on compost!
23 Mar, 2016
Each pea plant will produce a greater yield if you thin early.
23 Mar, 2016
Yeah I realise that, my question was more around could 5 or 6 dwarf plants yield well in 1 pot. I take it the answer is no and I should make space for each plant to be in a seperate pot.... Iv only got 10 plants going so don't want to thin out I want to keep them all. Iv got two greenhouse and a conservatory so I will allow space between them, just need to buy more pots!
23 Mar, 2016
I wouldn't leave more than 2 plants per pot, Martin, and the yield will still be better with only one.
27 Mar, 2016
Have you heard of Diatomaceous Earth in the UK? I put a ring around my vegetable plants and it's very effective in keeping away slugs & snails. It also adds many trace minerals to the soil as it breaks down.
18 Mar, 2016