By Pammie
United Kingdom
GREAT NEWS after a episode of 2 dead frogs 1 eaten / frogs spawn outside of our pond , We now have more Spawn in the pond & 3 frogs (one looks a reddy colour )
Looks like their ' having a good time '
Our pond bye the way is only 4' X 3'
19 Mar, 2016
That's good. Having read your other post, cats are the most likely explanation, but what's odd is, they never eat frogs - they like to catch them, then let them go, make them jump and run, so they can practise hunting, and in the process, of course, may cause significant damage to the frog with their claws, but they do not eat them. It may be that, having killed one or two, something else came along and ate the flesh. I speak from experience - where I lived years ago, every spring/summer, on rainy nights, I would be woken by screaming coming from the kitchen, which meant the cats had brought in a couple of frogs and were 'playing' with them, but they never ate them.
19 Mar, 2016
I had cats and would sometimes find a frog slightly injured, ie scratched and a bit bloody. I always tried to rescue it but I think, too, that if a frog is injured perhaps a rat got it in the end or, as Bamboo says, carrion crows. They say you're never more than six feet away from a rat. Not a nice thought.
If you find some black peanut size and shape droppings then that's definitely a rat.
19 Mar, 2016
I too saw your other post and having cats of my own as well as lots of frogs I do know that I am forever on frog watch and rescue time once the weather warms up, the cats would catch them and hound them to death, then just leave them alone, they sound like a baby crying when in danger, its quite pitiful but at least it warns me so as I can hopefully go to the rescue in time, we don't have any frogspawn yet,think its still too cold, good job really as your post reminded me I need a new frame making before my tribe move back into the bottom pond, the fishpond is always netted so that one is safe, my dogs will eat the frogspawn if they spotted any before I did...
19 Mar, 2016
This is brilliant news!!
19 Mar, 2016