By Nite
United Kingdom
I have just received some hardy fuchsia plugs when would the best time to put some of them in pots, now,or wait a bit longer as the weather could become frosty again.
19 Mar, 2016
And remember they should be potted into fairly small pots and potted on later if necessary - they do grow quickly once they get going. Do not firm the compost, fuchsias hate that, just tap the pot on the bench to settle it. After the first watering it will settle and you can then top up again if necessary. Best kept away from direct hot sun close to glass. Enjoy!
19 Mar, 2016
Up to you whether you contact Hywel for confirmation of the need to pot up, Nite...
19 Mar, 2016
Bamboo has given you the right information
19 Mar, 2016
I agree with Bamboo and Steragram :)
19 Mar, 2016
I've sent you a PM Rosierose...
19 Mar, 2016
No it isn't just you Rosierose.
19 Mar, 2016
Ooer!! I always firm mine in when re-potting, been doing it wrong all these years, perhaps that why they struggle sometimes, lol, learn something new every day.
19 Mar, 2016
As long as you don't do it too hard they'll be all right Sue. I firm them in slightly with my finger to stop them toppling over lol
19 Mar, 2016
Think I picked up the tip on here yonks ago Sue.Give it a try and see if it makes a difference.
19 Mar, 2016
Yes I will Stera, very pleased my ones from last year have just started to sprout new shoots so thats a plus, thanks Hywel, I'll try not to be too heavyhanded...
19 Mar, 2016
Thanks to all of you for your imput i have learnt a lot .
20 Mar, 2016
Thank you Hywel. I appreciate you weighing in.
20 Mar, 2016
Hmm, well probably not as much as I do, many thanks to Hywel, and Peterathome!
21 Mar, 2016
I don't think so, that's why I mentioned asking him.
21 Mar, 2016
They probably will need potting up now, but they need to be kept in a greenhouse or indoors until the cold weather has largely disappeared (late April or early May), when they should be hardened off before going outdoors. All fuchsias are vulnerable to frost and cold through the roots when in pots, even if they're hardy in the ground.
19 Mar, 2016