By Tercol
United Kingdom
Hi all, just been out last evening checking damage after storm katie,I seem to have got away light compared to lots of folk. Lookedvroundvthe garden ladt week and every few yards there are small kinda dug outs in my borders, banks etc. The bark on my conifers which are roughly 5ft high has been stripped on lower areas, think we have the deer back, so, off to gardening suppliers 100mtrs of 4ft high wire stock fencing, 30 posts and hopefully some good weather next week and a busy hubby! Reading posts I think I also am running behind in seed planting but my greenhouse is unheated, have now planted french beans, runner beans and today will do sweet peas. I planted hollyhock seeds they grew and died down in winter in the greenhouse have they died completely or will they grow/shoot as the weather warms? (Sorry if I'm a bit thick) mum passed away before I got this garden and she was the one with little funds and green fingers while I spent a fortune and guess who had the best garden!
29 Mar, 2016