By Tercol
United Kingdom
Hi all, just been out last evening checking damage after storm katie,I seem to have got away light compared to lots of folk. Lookedvroundvthe garden ladt week and every few yards there are small kinda dug outs in my borders, banks etc. The bark on my conifers which are roughly 5ft high has been stripped on lower areas, think we have the deer back, so, off to gardening suppliers 100mtrs of 4ft high wire stock fencing, 30 posts and hopefully some good weather next week and a busy hubby! Reading posts I think I also am running behind in seed planting but my greenhouse is unheated, have now planted french beans, runner beans and today will do sweet peas. I planted hollyhock seeds they grew and died down in winter in the greenhouse have they died completely or will they grow/shoot as the weather warms? (Sorry if I'm a bit thick) mum passed away before I got this garden and she was the one with little funds and green fingers while I spent a fortune and guess who had the best garden!
29 Mar, 2016
The only 'damage' I found after the storm was a cute little mouse that had fallen, or been blown into a tub trug half filled with water and drowned. I gave it a good burial in the garden waste bin.
29 Mar, 2016
Deer fencing Tercol - should be 5 feet high, not 4... Hollyhocks are classed as a short lived perennial, meaning around 3 years, but sometimes they live longer, sometimes less.
29 Mar, 2016
Bamboo, thank you the agricultural suppliers said 4ft was adequate as it is the little deer and they would need to jump a ditch which is covered with high brambles on the opposite side I hope the
y are right
29 Mar, 2016
Hmm, so do I, wasn't it you I sent a link to the Forestry site, where they had recommended heights of fencing for various deer? In there, they say 1.5metres, even for munjac.
29 Mar, 2016
Havent seen any links in any replies but we're going to give it a try hubby started putting posts in yesterday when he came home from work and pulled his shoulder, need to see if I can find somebody to do it (our local handyman is good but haven't seen him about) it will be worth it to get it done. Went to supermarket yestetday and they had some large shrubs with rootballs wrapped in plastic so I bought half a dozen and intend planting them in large containers as unsure where to put them in the garden and I can then move the tubs around until I decide. The deer I assume has dug up every heather is it worth planting again or will it alwats be the case, I am trying to ceate a bed in the garden around the base of a monkey puzzle tree, ant alternative suggestions?
30 Mar, 2016
Something deer don't like, I'm guessing - but also something you don't have to frequently handle, because working beneath or around a monkey puzzle is not a comfortable experience, as I well recall! Think the RHS has a list of plants deer don't like, not sure.
30 Mar, 2016
Richard Jackson plant food - anybody tried Richard Jacksons plant food QVC had a special on and I have just received mine!
29 Mar, 2016