By Pdb
United Kingdom
If I use a wigwam for my sweet peas in my herbaceous border, will they be more successful if I put them in containers or grow them in the soil.
Many thanks
31 Mar, 2016
It's somewhere hubby goes when he's mistaken a weed for a flower and he digs it up ;-))
1 Apr, 2016
Sweet peas like deep rich soil so I would advise planting them in the earth.
1 Apr, 2016
I just had an epiphany and agree with above.
1 Apr, 2016
In the ground.
1 Apr, 2016
I will have mine up a wigwam as well, made from long branches off a long gone conifer tied with twine at the top, then I cut long trendrils off the weeping willow and weave them around the stakes, supports the peas and also looks decorative as well.....I already have sweetpeas in the g'house, admittedly they were freebies from G W magazine but they are very disappointing, luckily I have seed saved from last year so I will be popping them straight into the ground when I plant my others, if you do plant in a container it needs to be one of the very deep ones...
1 Apr, 2016
Oh could you send a photo of yours Linclass when you have made it. Also how successful are saved seeds?
I've usually just thrown mine away. Are they a true colour of the original sweet pea ?
Many thanks for all your replies. I usually grow them in my small veg patch but thought they would be a nice change in amongst my herbaceous border.
1 Apr, 2016
With peas I do succession planting - plant a row or two every couple weeks for continuous supply.
1 Apr, 2016
Will do Pdb, I actually got the idea from Sarah Raven,on one of the gardening programmes, I have always just kept all the seeds in the same envelope so mine are always mixed up anyway, mine are only for my own pleasure ,so I take potluck, I do remember two years ago that most of them all came out deep purple and yet last years I was back to a mixture again..LOL,
Thats what mine will be doing hopefully Paul, of course I do have my Everlasting as well and they usually do me proud, no scent with them though....
1 Apr, 2016
if you save your own seed they may not come true to the ones you grew originally. many named varieties are hybrids so their parentage is very mixed. but you can get some lovely surprises by sowing your own seeds. :o)
2 Apr, 2016
Bathgate. Are you mixing up peas and sweetpeas. One is edible, the other produces beautiful flowers.
I grew them once, and the type I had were beautifully fragranced.
3 Apr, 2016
I was talking about sweet peas. I like to start new plants every couple weeks to keep them coming.
3 Apr, 2016
Oh right. I got thrown by continuous supply. I thought you were talking about edible peas. Apologies.
3 Apr, 2016
though that is a good strategy for veg peas too Alextb
3 Apr, 2016
True SBG. I was just mistaken as to which peas BG was talking about.
3 Apr, 2016
Its a lovely day here so I am making one of my wigwams, keep popping in for a cuppa, hubby calls it faffing about (cheeky beggar) It won't be a work of art but its keeping me occupied and I know from experience it will serve its purpose, of course it helps if one has the willow that needs a trim....Would also help if I could remember where my second lot of seeds are, don'tcha just wish that everything was kept in the same place....
3 Apr, 2016
Well would you Adam and Eve it? I have become Iciar again, now that explains why my pm to a certain Welsh pal has disappeared never to be seen again..
3 Apr, 2016
Well, my sister just brought over a box of fresh baked cookies from the local bakery - so it's definitely time for a cuppa; but then I'm building a wigwam.
3 Apr, 2016
Ah now that sounds good Paul, I had to come in to cook dinner, even on a Sunday our main meal is at night, isn't it a pain when meals get in the way of gardening...
3 Apr, 2016
Yes, I'm sorry I can't have you all over. I agree Linclass - we've all picked up a very stubborn habit along the way - called eating!
3 Apr, 2016
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IF I only knew what a 'wigwam' was. Wow!
1 Apr, 2016