By Agreener88
United Kingdom
I planted chilli seeds, tomatoes and cucumbers about three weeks ago in propagators and have kept them in a mini greenhouse outside. They have had lots of sun and during the day if it is particularly warm and there is lots of condensation in the propagator I remove the lids and open the door for a few hours. However I have had no seedlings at all yet. I have courgettes in the same greenhouse but not in a propagator and they have started to grow. Does anyone have any advice as to what I may be doing wrong?
2 Apr, 2016
I agree with Seaburngirl. I think it's too cold in your greenhouse. My suggestion - start your seeds in the house. I don't use any fancy equipment. I start mine on a table near a back bedroom window (south facing). They are quite happy there, growing big and strong until I plant them outside. The chilles seem to have a low germination rate so plant more seeds then you think you really need (I have Red Bells). Chilles also take a long, long time to get going and they grow very slowly compared to my tomatoes which are going like gangbusters. Just be patient the the chilles, they will eventually show. All of these veggies really hate cold, but love heat.
2 Apr, 2016
Thanks very much for your speedy answers! I think I will move them indoors then until they get bigger, I have seen a little tomato and cucumber seedling today so maybe they just need a little more help.
3 Apr, 2016
they might be too wet or not warm enough on a night. they need a steady constant warmth really.
welcome to GoY too
2 Apr, 2016