By Jfperrone
United States
I have just cleared away 50 years of huge rhododendron growth that covered the front of my stone house. Now I need to plant a 50 foot long 8ft wide frontage section to show the house at its best. We live in southern Connecticut. Any ideas would be appreciated.
2 Apr, 2016
You might consider also Hydrangea "Ruby Slippers". You can see this one in planted around my home in two photos on page 1 and two more photos in page 4 of my photo section if you would care to look. Bathgate has mentioned Limelight. This very attractive Hydrangia has become very popular in my area and I have seen numerous new plantings of this all over within the last few years.
2 Apr, 2016
hi and welcome to GoY. what sort of frontage are you after? shrubbery or perennial herbaceous flowering plants? Do you know which planting zone you are in { in in the uk so have no idea sorry :o)] as this will make a difference to the plants you can overwinter.
if the soil has not been enriched after the mammoth pruning job this must be your first priority as nothing will do well in the poor soil.
if you scroll to the bottom of the page you will find there is an alphabet and if you click on s for shade say , you will find suggested plants for shade etc.
3 Apr, 2016
Ruby Slippers is gorgeous but bear in mind that it its eventual height a lot shorter than Limelight
3 Apr, 2016
My good friend in Amityville has a Limelight hedge about 12 in length. It's a sight to behold all summer long. The white plums seem to glow at night and turn a rosey color in the fall. SBG - Connecticut is Zone 6.
3 Apr, 2016
I love Hydrangea "LIMELIGHT." I think you would too. You can do a specimen or hedge. Google it to see what I mean.
2 Apr, 2016