By Hank
United Kingdom
Not at all sure I dare ask this but needs must.
We have so little waste my compost bin never gets above half full. But I notice in some woods quite near me there are loads of dandelion and dock leaves about. If I carefully get the leaves and none of the roots can I put these in ?
15 Apr, 2016
Don't know about dandelions stems etc: but nettles are really good
15 Apr, 2016
there is no reason why not. just don't take the roots or flowers of the dandelions as they can set seed even in a compost bin.
15 Apr, 2016
How about grass clippings from neighbors or bagged sawdust from untreated wood which can be obtained from local lumber suppliers or hardware stores which cut lumber for their customers? Or you can make a deal with a local garden store to take those unsold dying potted plants on the racks off their hands. The green grocer mentioned is a great idea for obtaining the microbes and nitrogen you need for your composting bin. One thing with the sawdust is that it must be layed down lightly layer by alternating layer or it will be too compact and oxygen starved for proper breakdown or frequently turn over your pile with a pitchfork.
16 Apr, 2016
Thanks guys, I already have a sack of dandelion leaves mixed with dock leaves. No flowers or roots at all. I tried layers of grass cuttings, sawdust and chopped dead leaves the year before last which wasn't successfull, even though. I put in thin layers.
16 Apr, 2016
Hank, what went wrong? Another time try putting a thin layer of soil in the bin every now and again and leave out the sawdust - see if that's any better. Don't you have weeds in your garden??? They can all go into the compost as long as it gets hot enough to kill seeds. I just put everything in and it rots down eventually. Avoid too many grass cuttings - they are better left in a heap for a couple of years.
16 Apr, 2016
My compost has been rubbish for the last 2 years. It used to be full of worms but I've seen about 3 this year - and it's not getting hot either, which is why I daren't put weeds in.
17 Apr, 2016
Just leave it for longer. It will rot eventually..
17 Apr, 2016
Very frustrating.
18 Apr, 2016
Hank, your compost will never heat up if it is too small. Try bulking it up to the top with the stuff mentioned and throw in a shovelful of garden soil and mix it in to get the right bacteria in there.
18 Apr, 2016
Am doing my best L2, I added a lot more yesterday.
18 Apr, 2016
Someone mentioned nettles. Tomorrow I'll be down the woods again with thick gloves and a large bag. Once in the compost bin I'll put a thin layer of soil on top as instructed.
18 Apr, 2016
Hank, I wouldn't bother to do this. If you feel that you must, search elsewhere for material to compost, then why not ask at a local greengrocer or market for their green waste? A bale of straw could also be cheap to buy and treated to compost. (A Google search will reveal). Could also collect spent ground coffee from Waitrose or coffee shops who would be only to happy to oblige.
15 Apr, 2016