By Stellajill
United Kingdom
Any suggestions for plant or shrub about four to five feet tall near drain. Thankyou
16 Apr, 2016
There is a wire fence behind where I would like to plant, and house wall on right hand side and path. I have taken a photo. The area is shady in the afternoon and quite sheltered.The drain is plastic pipe about one foot down leading to manhole about six feet away.
16 Apr, 2016
There's nothing you can safely grow that would be tall enough. If I were you, I'd buy some plant pockets (google for information) to hang on the fence, and plant them up with ferns and ivy, and other shade-loving plants. :)
16 Apr, 2016
You could have a smaller shrub though such as a Euonymus fortunii. If you are wanting to hide the fence why not dig a long bed in front of it and grow some taller perennials in front of it? was going to suggest a climber but the fence doesn't look robust enough to support one, unless yo go for one of the clematis that Bamboo recommended to hank a few questions above yours.
16 Apr, 2016
Thank you everyone for your helpful suggestions.
16 Apr, 2016
Actually, I'd go for Fatshedera lizei, it only gets 4 feet, and there's a variegated version, evergreen, plant it 2 feet away from the pipe you know is there. May need bamboo canes if it bushes out to keep it upright as it gets taller, but most of it can be tied onto the fence. Does well in shade or part shade.
17 Apr, 2016
Thats very nice Bamboo - haven't seen that one - but Google says it doesn't like cold winters and Stella hasn't said whereabouts she lives?
17 Apr, 2016
True - it does okay in a sheltered spot even in colder regions, but there, for all I know, its in the coldest part of the country and gets roaring north easterlies all winter...
18 Apr, 2016
A photo of the area would be useful, but is there a wall or fence behind whatever shrub you choose to plant? One that might take a climber instead? and is the area sunny, shady, exposed to cold winds, etc... And what is the drain? Manhole cover? Gully drain catching rainwater/sink water? You can respond by clicking in the empty box below this answer, and typing in there.
16 Apr, 2016