By Sadie
west midlands, United Kingdom
Please tell me about the GOY shirt. Certainly a must have.
- 9 Aug, 2008
Would be great to buy one Sadie.
9 Aug, 2008
If they were made to order again, it would be interesting if people wore them to garden events, major shows etc. A bit of PR for the web site (website address on the back for example) along with wondering who they are on this site.
10 Aug, 2008
You are going to have to ask Peter about this! Some months ago, he sent me a message asking for my size and then I got a navy t-shirt with the GOY logo on it. I know that a number of active members (at that time) did too. I don't know whether there are any more or whether this was a one-off.
9 Aug, 2008