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West Midlands, United Kingdom

The clematis'Corona'...has anyone got it?
I bought a beautiful specimen some months ago, planted it in the ground, feet in shade and 'eventual' head in full sun. It hasn't grown at all...still the same size as in May! It looks healthy enough but I am wondering if it is in too much shade, at its present height (barely 80cm). I planted a Jackmanii superba and an Ernest Markham at the same time...both of which have put on a fair amount of growth.They have all been well watered and fed. Should I move it in September....or now even? Or is there something else I should do...or should have done? Thanks in advance.....



i would give it a chance yet . a lot of plants only put roots down the first year realy . if its getting sun and looking happy id just wate a while longer.

2 Aug, 2010


I have watched closely for the last 5 days, Noseypotter, to see how much sun it is getting....and it's very little! It's behind a large shrub...which will be fine when it's taller...BU perhaps it's not getting enough sun NOW? I'm very tempted to move it soon....I'm decorating indoors at the moment...and hubby is doing the whole of the outside of the it's NOT going to happen soon after all! Madness reigns!

3 Aug, 2010


Hi Izzy, I have Corona but it is growing in a pot in quite a shady area. It has put on a lot of growth since I bought it in May and is now having a second flush of flowers. I have put some pics on today.
Ps mine came from Morrisons :-))

3 Aug, 2010


i definatly wouldnt move it till its dorement whatever you decide . id leave it till early spring while the trees and shrubs are still dorement.

3 Aug, 2010


Annella...I'm really jealous! I bought mine from a specialist clematis online site...not cheap! It had beautiful flowers when it arrived...but done nothing since. I'll look at your pics in a minute.

Nooo.....I won't move it till Spring this rate of decorating, I'll still be in a guddle by then!...that's a Scottish word for a 'muddle'...I think! LOL

3 Aug, 2010


ok izzy no worries lol.

4 Aug, 2010

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