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Shropshire, United Kingdom

Help !! my OH bought some begonias for a hanging basket at the weekend - see pic - I have been having a spot of bother with the vine weevil grub in my primulas - so when I spotted what I think is a weevil egg sat on the top of the compost in the pot - I tipped the whole pot out only to find more - now OH says not to worry they are food granules ! - well what do you think ? - I have googled it -looked it up in the RHS manual - I would appreciate your help -



Not entirely sure Jane,but I think your OH is correct..They look like slow release fertiliser pellets to me..Vine weevil grubs are shaped like a small letter C ,and are least mine are .:o)

27 Apr, 2016



27 Apr, 2016


I've seen vine weevil grubs and they are fat, squishy, not quite circular and very white. I think your OH is right.

27 Apr, 2016


Yes I know the grubs are white because I had them in my primulas - but are these the eggs because I had something similar in the primula pots - when you squash them they have like a milky substance in side of them - Jane

27 Apr, 2016


They may well be vine weevil eggs, specially if there's a liquid inside when you squish them. Most vine weevil eggs are brownish, and less than 1/16th of an inch, but we do have other breeds of vine weevil, not sure what their eggs are like. Here's a link to the RHS page on vine weevil generally, giving a description of the eggs (lower down)

but this link might be more useful

27 Apr, 2016


I would have said slow-release fertiliser capsules.

27 Apr, 2016


Try catching a few to see if they hatch. Nonetheless, go with new potting soil for your begonias.

27 Apr, 2016


Thankyou all for your comments - I think I will certainly keep these newbes away from my flamboyant begonias - I will let you know the outcome !! - Jane

27 Apr, 2016


Janelloyd, I should have said this - the second link I provided shows images of vine weevil eggs and of fertilizer capsules so you might be able to tell from looking at those pics...

28 Apr, 2016


Bamboo - I think you are right - well I am hoping you are right - I don't have a very forgiving nature towards weevil grubs since they crunched their way through my primulas - Happy Gardening and enjoy your day - Jane

28 Apr, 2016

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