By Hank
United Kingdom
Not a question, just answering an old one.
Someone called Backforth2 recently asked where he could get seeds to grow very large tomato seeds. I've just been informed that Thompson-Morgan have these, called gigantomo tomatoes. I googled them and They looked huge.

29 Apr, 2016
The informatio I found said they were "upwards of 3 pounds." I'm hoping somebody in GOY has grown some and can enlighten us.
30 Apr, 2016
Looks like that tomato could very well turn into the coach in the Italian version of Cinderella.
30 Apr, 2016
Previous question
« I am looking for cuttings or seeds for the 'jane Humber' fuchsia!! Please...
Gosh! they look huge. One of these could be a meal in itself. How big does Gigantomo get, Hank? I think he found one called "Big Zach" which gets up to 7 lbs. It made my Big Belgium look like a ping pong ball!
29 Apr, 2016