By Troy
United Kingdom
What causes parsnips to split?
3 May, 2016
Hi there. A quick internet search for 'splitting parsnips' will give you all the info you need. :)
3 May, 2016
Its nice that they germinated - no sign of mine at all...
3 May, 2016
Parsnips are notorious for their low germination rate.
4 May, 2016
Nothing is very low indeed....
4 May, 2016
That's one vegetable I just buy from the farmers' market.
5 May, 2016
I'll give them a month and then give them up as a bad job.
5 May, 2016
What do you mean by 'split'?
Parsnips 'fork' ie develop more than one root when they encounter an obstacle in the soil, or if the tap root is damaged or when the tap root meets richer soil as in a lump of animal manure.
The only other time parsnips split. ie develop a cut in the surface is when they are rehydrated after a dry spell after the skin has set.
3 May, 2016