By Whiskey54
United States
I need to oversees my lawn. I have scarified it. The soil is, and always is, extremely dry. I presume I can,t just throw seed on the top. What would you advise I do please
3 May, 2016
Where in the States are you, Whiskey? If you are in a hot, dry climate like my own, you may need to water several times a day, until the seedlings are up. I would also water deeply--2-3 inches of water--the day before sowing, to keep the dry soil from robbing the seed of the first few days' water.
4 May, 2016
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Once you've prepared the planting site, sprinkled the grass seeds evenly, but not too thickly. You must keep the ground moist at all times, not too muddy though. Water the seeds every day with gentle shower spray. The seeds will start to germinate in a weeks time. Keep it watered daily. Wait until the grass reaches 4 inches high, before cutting it. Cutting it will cause it to thicken up nicely. The lawn will need continued maintenance.
4 May, 2016