By Dgbcdb
United Kingdom
Hi I have just taken over an allotment and so did not have the opportunity to manure the brassica beds last year. If I am planting brassicas now how can I fertilise them?
4 May, 2016
Has the allotment been lying fallow for a year or two before you took it over? If it has, you are in good shape and should be fine. All the worms and microbes are down there working the soil & restoring it to fertility. If it has been in constant use, follow Gg suggestion.
4 May, 2016
It would do no harm to surround each plant with a little sprinkling of lime. Brassicas like lime, and it will help to deter cabbage root fly too.
4 May, 2016
Previous question
« I have received a potted mimosa and the only instructions are "to grow in a...
Growmore is the easy option and follow the guide how much per squarer meter
4 May, 2016