United Kingdom
Hi, I've bought four foxglove plants from the RHS and all their leaves have been chomped on causing holes. Any ideas what did this, is it worth putting slug pellets down?
5 May, 2016
The same thing is happening to mine! Only on one side of the garden :)
5 May, 2016
Thank you! - if pellets don't work I'll stay up all night and keep watch!
5 May, 2016
More likely to be snails rather than slugs... but the pellets work on them too.
5 May, 2016
Foxgloves are one of the plants they prefer not to eat, but yes, use slug pellets anyway - we have a bumper population this year of both slugs and snails because the winter wasn't cold enough to kill any off, and it was damp quite often, so maybe they're desperate. Don't use too many at once though, you only need a light sprinkling if you're using metaldehyde ones rather than the 'organic' type. Little and often is better...
5 May, 2016