By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Daphne. Could anyone suggest an evergreen Daphne variety for putting in a semi sunny border that doesn't grow too big and has variegated foliage? Thank you.
7 May, 2016
Hi, have a look at Daphne x burkwoodii cultivars, they're only semi evergreen, but they're completely hardy, grow between 3 and 5ft, the variety 'astrid' is variegated, but if you definitely want 1 that's evergreen, then D odora 'aureomarginata' but this 1 is only frost hardy, Derek.
7 May, 2016
The variegated foliage rules this out but I like Daphne retusa, grows as a tight cushion to about 2ft tall and has a wonderful scent. Just coming into flower now.
7 May, 2016
Thanks for all your suggestions, they are on my list for my next plant shopping trip. Can you prune or shape a Daphne shrub?
7 May, 2016
Hi, Daphne are in pruning group 1 or 8, both are minimal pruning, just removing dead, diseased, or crossing branches, group 1 in late winter or early spring, group 8 after flowering in late spring, they resent being disturbed, so make sure you plant them somewhere that they can remain, Derek.
7 May, 2016
Thanks Derek.
7 May, 2016
As far as I'm aware, there's only one that fits that bill, and it gets 1.5 metres eventually
7 May, 2016