By Kirstykelly
United Kingdom
I hope someone can help. We have (had) a wisteria which we planted late 1996. It's on a south facing wall but our house is in the Peak District countryside, and it's undeniably a bit bleak round here. It took years to get going but finally in 2012 it produced the most glorious display. However next year only half s dozen flowers and this year it's died back to all but the spindiest shoots off its base.
Anyone any idea why?
I'm thinking it's going to have to be replaced. So could anyone advise me of a fully hardy, quick to get established, purple not White, variety?
9 May, 2016
Hi, welcome to GoY, reasons for not flowering are varied, but can include the soil being too dry when the buds are forming in late summer, which can cause them to abort, sharp frost in spring can cause any buds you have o drop before opening, other possible causes are; too much shade, not enough potassium in the soil, try treating the soil with sulphate of potash in spring at 20 grams per square yard, as you say th new shoots are coming from the base, it could be that the graft has failed, {if you have a grafted plant, not all are,} if this is the case, then you will need to get a new plant, have a look at W amethyst falls, and buy any new plant whilst it's in flower, it may not flower for a year or two, but this is quite normal, it will flower, Derek.
10 May, 2016
Mine did the same thing last year though it's newer than yours. I'm blaming the mild winters and the wet. Can't think of another reason but someone else on here will come up with other ideas.
9 May, 2016