By Bornagain
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
what is this pretty little plant?

3 Aug, 2010
Thanks Spritz, I'll just check if it's an evil weed or a tame wild flower lol. Off to google. I wondered at first if it was a particularly dainty variety of corydalis! 8~/
3 Aug, 2010
It's pretty and it has medicinal uses - I'd plant it ;-) but only use it after a bit of research it seems like powerful stuff.
3 Aug, 2010
Not an evil weed, Ba, its not very invasive and it is easy to pull out.
3 Aug, 2010
Thanks all, I'm keeping it then:-)
3 Aug, 2010
It is a lovely British native [wildflower]. My mum loved it and grew it in her garden.
3 Aug, 2010
Wow. I think i've got another one coming Sbg, might have come in the new topsoil do you think? :-)
3 Aug, 2010
That's very possible, but mine just grow in one particular area of the garden - no idea why.
3 Aug, 2010
At least it's not like when I asked an early question about being over run by celandine and someone suggested I must need it. When I googled it, I found the common name was PILEWORT and it was a treatment for said condition ! :-))
4 Aug, 2010
4 Aug, 2010
The mind boggles about how you actually 'use' the celandines for that affliction, Ba......LOL.
4 Aug, 2010
Lol indeed:-))
4 Aug, 2010
4 Aug, 2010
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Ba - it's a weed, and I think it's called 'Fumitory'. I'm always mistaking them for Californian Poppy seedlings until the flowers appear!
3 Aug, 2010