By Deniseannecb
United Kingdom
I took cuttings from a daphne odora marginata when a branch snapped off. They are doing well indoors and growing new leaves, but they are tiny and I am not sure what to do with them now. If I plant them in the garden they will get lost and I know they don't like being transplanted. Should I put them in a pot outdoors and wait until they grow a bit more?
10 May, 2016
I agree, they need to be grown on in next pot size up until they are a good sized plant. then they can go in the ground.
11 May, 2016
Previous question
Hi, welcome to GoY, pot them up, and keep potting on until they're large enough to be planted in the garden, don't let them get potbound before you pot them on, and they wont be bothered by root disturbance, they resent being dug up, to be moved, when he roots can be damaged, potting on doesn't disturb the roots, so no problem, grow them on in a cold frame if possible, or in a sheltered spot outside, Derek.
10 May, 2016