By Kadear
United Kingdom
I've always lifted acidantheras each autumn. Just bought another packet today and surprised to see on instructions to leave the corms undisturbed for the following year! This would save time, but any comments?
Thanks for the replies, just to let you know the corms were on sale In waitrose- could be a bit misleading to first time growers.
10 May, 2016
Hi, as G murielae is frost tender, I would continue doing what you've always done, and lift them, Derek.
10 May, 2016
Some people grow them in pots and just move the pots to a greenhouse or somewhere for winter - maybe that's what they mean, but I agree with Derekm otherwise.
10 May, 2016
I have a mate who buries them half as deep again as the advice given. they are in a sheltered spot in the garden and she just leaves them alone. she lost the lot in those 2 really bad winters but the following year she did the same and they are still going strong.
wish mine were :o(
11 May, 2016
The RHS's advice:
10 May, 2016