United Kingdom
Hi everyone. It's been a few years since I've been on due to having no garden. I'm now back with a garden of my own. I'm just looking for a bit of advice on ground cover plants that like morning sun through to late evening and also bedding plants that like a lot of shade through the day. Any help would be appreciated. I will update with a couple of photos as soon as possible. Thankyou
16 May, 2016
Bedding plants that do well in shade - fuchsia, busy lizzie, lobelia (trailing and upright), begonia semperflorens (bedding begonia) and the larger Begonias.
Ground cover in sun - Campula muralis, Iberis sempervirens, Helianthemum, Arabis varieties, Aubretia, Saponaria ocymoides, Cerastium tomentosum (if you've got a largeish area, it spreads though can be kept in check with a strong haircut after flowering).
16 May, 2016
Just had a look at both you suggest. Sound perfect for the rockery and also the shades border. Did a bit of a read up and apparently dwarlf alliums are a perfect accompanient which are a face plant of mine. I've got possibly a few more weeks getting it all how I would like and will update with pictures. Thankyou again for your comment.
16 May, 2016
Thsnkyou bamboo. Campanula muralis is still an all time favourite of mine since you suggested it after I very first joined some years ago. I will have a look at the others you have suggested. Thankyou for your comment and insight.
16 May, 2016
For shade, Vinca (major and minor) aka Periwinkle; Pulmonaria; Epimedium - mainly grown for its foliage which is often bronze; perennial Geraniums.
Ground cover, sweet woodruff; Ajuga.
16 May, 2016
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« I started our garden last year with my husband we don't know s lot about gardening...
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Just commented on your other question!! What about some nice alpine and rockery plants that spread out like carpets with lots of little flowers (most are evergreen too) like sedums, saxirage.. That kind of thing ? Most of my plants are like that so that there's colour when the acers lose their leaves for winter :)
16 May, 2016