By Donnaj1dlh
My pretty violas I have in tubs (see my photographs) seem to have recently become a bit 'leggy' and now seem to be falling over under the weight of the flowers. Is this just because they're past their best? They still have a lot of blooms but they're looking a bit unsightly now. Are they ready for pulling out now even though it's still early august?
3 Aug, 2010
looks like a weekend job, for me to clear out the tubs!
I'll see if they've got seeds, they are so pretty and knowing my luck I won't find them again...
3 Aug, 2010
take some dead heads and dry them on a plate in window, once dry you can get the seeds out Donnah, good luck ;o))
3 Aug, 2010
Previous question
they can get a bit legy Donnah so either keep them as they are or cut them back and see if they sprout again, if some pods are dry sprinkle or save the seeds, personally if i have anythong thats gone legy it has to go ;o)
3 Aug, 2010